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Solo Travel as a Woman: The Best Medicine

A tiny cut on my finger had stayed the same for 28 days: raw, open, and exposed. Blisters on my heels from hiking, bruises from falling off...

Featured Bottom A, Travel, US

Featured Bottom A, Travel, US

Year-round Adventure: How to Live in Your RV all the Time

Ready to make the open road your home? If you've ever thought about traveling full time in your RV, we've got...

Featured Bottom A, Outdoor Kids

The Adventures in Parenthood: Counting Down the Days

In May 2012 I started The Adventures in Parenthood Project with the goal of exploring the transition of...

Blog, Featured Bottom A, Health, Snow Sports

No Pink

Every time I put my 6-month-old in the car seat as we’re getting ready to leave the house, I tell her...

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That’s Kid’s Stuff

Where should we draw the line for children setting world records?...

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Getting Better… All the Time

I will have a great session on the slackline and be really happy with myself, but then go climbing and get...