More Than Just Parks’ latest video made in Joshua Tree National Park is the result of almost a month spent exploring the unique landscape of Joshua Tree National Park.
The five minutes of footage will make you want to plan a five-day trip to this renowned park for views of its massive boulder piles, cactus fields, endless desert expanses, and one-of-a-kind Joshua trees.
More Than Just Parks (MTJP ) is a project founded to raise awareness of the treasures that reside within America’s National Parks. This is the third short film in the MTJP series, which will eventually include stunningly scenic short films of all fifty-nine national parks.
MTJP | Joshua Tree from More Than Just Parks on Vimeo.
The 15-day filming journey began in Black Rock Canyon and continued in a loop back to the same Joshua tree fields, with the filmmakers hiking, camping, backpacking, and driving to cover Joshua Tree National Park’s broad landscape.

Here’s a map of where the More Than Just Parks crew filmed over the course of 15 days in Joshua Tree National Park.
Those interested in becoming involved in MTJP may e-mail morethanjustparks [at] and/or donate to the project at
Awesome…. I was there for a couple of days but didn’t go out and see the night sky. I will do that my next visit there. I totally fell in love with the park…..